“Grass juice powder and oat milk… how do they go together?” is what some people might be thinking.
After receiving mixed feedback about the very "green" taste of the Green Light Power, we looked for a solution. Since we were not interested in using any artificial flavors and most natural additives would distort the effect too much, we couldn't find anything we could add. Mixing it with juices isn't ideal either, because either it doesn't improve the taste or the juices contain too much acid and sugar, which would impair the effect. Then we received a tip from a customer that you could mix it with plant-based milk. We then tested this and were pleasantly surprised.

Ideally, you mix the Green Light Power with clear, still water so that the pure effect of the grass juice powder is not distorted at all. However, oat milk is a real alternative if the pure grass juice powder tastes too "green" for you. Mixed with oat milk, the Green Light Power tastes much finer and the "green" taste is then only a gentle note. Even 91% of the people who found the taste of the pure grass juice unbearable said that it was definitely drinkable when mixed with oat milk and some even found it pleasant and tasty.

Why oat milk?

  • full-bodied in taste
  • Oat milk contains very little sugar, which only slightly affects its effect
  • Oat milk is available in a very ecological form from producers in our own country
  • low fat
  • lactose-free
  • vegan

Of course, you can also try other plant-based milk substitutes as you wish.

But the bottom line is, if the taste of Green Light Power is too “green” for someone, we recommend mixing the powder with oat milk and then, ideally, perhaps drinking a glass of water afterwards.

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