Grüne Lichtkraft
Organic Grass Juice Powder

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Grüne Lichtkraft
The green life elixier

You wish a elixier which is very healthy?

The Vitamin B6, Magnesium and Folate which is in the Grüne Lichtkraft, contribute to a normal psychical function and reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

Also Vitamin B6 and Folate contribute to a normal function of the immune system.

Natural ingredients
for a good wellbeing.

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All Grüne Lichtkraft products are very strict vegan. Also at production prozess, we use vegan prozesses.

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The Grasses are harvested before the grain will grow. So it is 100% Glutenfree.

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Rawfood Standard

In the production and also while storage we always take care about the temperature. So we can keep Rawfood Standard for the Grass Juice Powder.

Why you will profit

with our product.

Vitamin B6 and Magnesium contribute to a normal energy metabolism. A great nutrient supply will leads to a positive effect for your body because it keeps it on a normal niveau. The Grüne Lichtkraft can contribute with its great ingredients to reach your goals.

Because we only use the juice of fresh young grases and we filter out the plant cellulose, the body can easy digest Grüne Lichtkraft. Also the body can exploit all the great ingredients fast and easy.

For 1 kg of Grass Juice Powder we use up to 33 kg of fresh Organic primordial Wheat and Barley Grass. They will be juiced immediately after harvesting in a very gentle prozess. Also during this prozess we don’t ad anything else. We only keep the 100% pure juice.

Vitamin B6, Magnesium and Folat contribute to a normal psychical function and a reduction of tiredness and fatigue. Make every day of your life a poyitive day full of joy.

Vitamin K contributes to normal bones. Also the Magnesium which is in the Grüne Lichtkraft, contributes to normal bones and teeth.

Our Grass Juice Powders will be made with very strict organic guidelines. So our Grüne Lichtkraft contains no chemicals or other substances. It is really 100% nature.

What’s new?

How is Grüne Lichtkraft produced?

How is Grüne Lichtkraft produced?

This is a very important question, as everything – from planting to packaging, until the finished product reaches you – needs to be done just right to obtain the highest quality grass juice powder possible. We can call ourselves lucky to have found wonderful farmers who can create such great products, like our grass juice […]

What is the difference between Grass Powder and Grass Juice Powder

What is the difference between Grass Powder and Grass Juice Powder

We often hear people say: “I’d rather take grass powder, it’s a lot less expensive!” Our response to this is: “It might be, but it is definitely not cheaper.” What we mean by that, is that the properties and the high concentration of grass juice powder by far surpass any other grass powders, and thanks […]

How to use Grüne Lichtkraft

How to use Grüne Lichtkraft

Oftentimes we get asked: “How do I take grass juice powder?” Here you will find the answers. The recommended daily dose of our grass juice powder is 5g. However, many people also report taking more Grüne Lichtkraft, particularly in times where their body is exposed to higher levels of stress or pressure. It is best […]

Where can I buy this incredible product?

Come to our great Onlineshop,
there you will find not only the Grüne Lichtkraft,
but also a lot of other great and nice products
for your body, spirit and soul.


Our other posts.

How is Grüne Lichtkraft produced?

How is Grüne Lichtkraft produced?

This is a very important question, as everything – from planting to packaging, until the finished product reaches you – needs to be done just right to obtain the highest quality grass juice powder possible. We can call ourselves lucky to have found wonderful farmers who can create such great products, like our grass juice […]

How to use Grüne Lichtkraft

How to use Grüne Lichtkraft

Oftentimes we get asked: “How do I take grass juice powder?” Here you will find the answers. The recommended daily dose of our grass juice powder is 5g. However, many people also report taking more Grüne Lichtkraft, particularly in times where their body is exposed to higher levels of stress or pressure. It is best […]

What is the difference between Grass Powder and Grass Juice Powder

What is the difference between Grass Powder and Grass Juice Powder

We often hear people say: “I’d rather take grass powder, it’s a lot less expensive!” Our response to this is: “It might be, but it is definitely not cheaper.” What we mean by that, is that the properties and the high concentration of grass juice powder by far surpass any other grass powders, and thanks […]

What our customers say.

“Grüne Lichtkraft hat mir zu einem neuen Lebensgefühl verholfen.”

Ich bin 58 Jahre alt und habe bereits im Kindesalter aufgrund einer Skoliose sowie Hyperlordose mit starken Rückenproblemen zu kämpfen gehabt. …
Nach ein paar Wochen habe ich gemerkt, wie gut das Trinken Grüner Lichtkraft meinem Körper tut. …
Martha K.
Lebensenergie. Das ist das erste Wort, was mir in Bezug auf die Grüne Lichtkraft einfällt und es beschreibt, was dieses Grassaftpulver mir schenkt. …
Christine M.
Ich trinke seit einigen Monaten täglich die Grüne Lichtkraft. Zu Beginn habe ich nach dem Aufstehen sowie auf nüchternen Magen die empfohlene Menge mit einem Glas stillen Wasser getrunken, was jedoch sehr gewöhnungsbedürftig war. Da ich mich nur schwer daran gewöhnen konnte, aber ich dennoch nach nur wenigen Wochen gemerkt habe, mehr Energie im Alltag zu haben, versuchte ich die Grüne Lichtkraft auf eine andere Weise zu trinken. …
Claudia K.

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